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About the Blog

How did the blog start?

In 2018, the founders of Book Nerds were 5th graders enjoying their adolescence in the midst of a routine school day. Their schedule consisting of math, science, social studies, and ELA. However, apart from their core studies, they had classes that were similar to encores or electives. One of those classes being media, a class in the school library. Our teacher gave us weeks to create a project and being the over achieving nerds we are, we chose to create a book blog.  The rest, as the say is history.

Why are we doing it?

In 5th grade, we saw the problem of having to find appropriate books for our reading levels, or just books we like in general. We had seen the problem time and time again whenever we went to the library after finishing a book. We were sure that other people had this problem too, and we saw an opportunity to resolve it. To help people find good books to read, we started Book Nerds. It is no longer hard to find appropriate books, but we still wanted to share our passion for books, hence continuing Book Nerds.

Email us with any questions at booknerdsblog1@gmail.com




17 years old

     Salutations!  I hope you've enjoyed the site!  A little about me...  My favorite genre is realistic fiction.  I have read way too many romcoms (go check out our podcast for recommendations)!  I'll read anything though.  I'm one of four girls who decided to create this blog.  When I am not reading I am knitting, golfing, watching tv, or participating in one of my many extracurriculars.  


Co-Host of Podcast



17 years old.

Welcome to the site! I'm Lena, one of the founders of Book Nerds. Some genres I love are realistic fiction and mystery. All my friends already know what they want to be when they grow up, but I'm not really set on any careers at the moment. I hope you enjoy the site and you find that the reviews are helpful. If you have anything to say you can take the survey.


Co-Host of Podcast


 Former Members

A special thanks to our former members of Book Nerds, their reviews and participation played a crucial role in our ever growing blog. 















Former Co-Host of Podcast 


"I am very sad to have retired but as life got busier, I could not participate in Book Nerds anymore."-Delaney


Former Co-Host of Podcast
